Jun 16, 2009


Sasha Baron Cohen has done it once again. Taking the second of his fictional characters off of "Da Ali G Show," Sasha brings us Brüno a gay Australian fashion reporter.

Bruno, who has no known surname, is a homosexual character claiming to be a reporter from an Austrian television station and interviews unsuspecting guests about topics such as fashion, entertainment, celebrities and homosexuality, with an emphasis on the last subject as each interview progresses. The Austrian TV station's logo features the letters ÖJRF (revealed once as Österreichischer Jungen-Rundfunk, or in English, Austrian Boys' Broadcasting) inside a baby blue square, with a smaller purple square in the upper left quadrant. The name is similar to that of Austrian national broadcaster ORF (Österreichischer Rundfunk). The logo often appears on Bruno's show in the upper right corner of the screen. Bruno's segment on Da Ali G Show is called Funkyzeit mit Brüno (Funkytime with Brüno). (The show's theme song is "Crank It Up", by Scooter, from the album Our Happy Hardcore), with the "z" in "funkyzeit" pronounced with a stereotypical gay lisp.


I know it's gonna have me cryin'


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